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Re: 여주시 조기폐차 재개 공고

페이지 정보

작성자 안녕하세요
댓글 0건 조회 1,169회 작성일 24-01-15 11:51


> [여주시 재개 공고]
> https://www.yeoju.go.kr/www/jsp/project/gosi/list.jsp
> 여주시 공고 제2020-1254호
> 1. 날짜: 9월14일(월) 재개
> 2. 등기우편,이메일 접수 가능(내방은 자제)
> ※ 우편 및 이메일은 오전 9시 이후 도착 분부터 접수 인정
> 위에 공고 확인해주시기바랍니다.


The health of all citizens is protected by the state. The National Election Commission is composed of three members appointed by the president, three elected by the National Assembly, and three members appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The chairman shall be elected from among the members. The Constitutional Court may establish rules on judicial procedures, internal rules, and administrative procedures to the extent that it does not violate the law. Constitutional amendments that extend or change the president's term of office have no effect on the president at the time of the constitutional amendment proposal. Anyone arrested or detained has the right to be reviewed for their suitability in court. The Audit and Supervision Committee consists of 5 to 11 audit committee members, including the chairman. The President cannot request a retrial or amendment of some of the bills.

All citizens have the right to work. The state shall endeavor to promote the employment of workers through socio-economic means, guarantee appropriate wages, and implement the minimum wage system prescribed by law. Three of the judges in Paragraph 2 are appointed by the National Assembly, and three by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Except as otherwise provided for in the Constitution or law, a resolution of the National Assembly shall be made with the attendance of a majority of the current members and the approval of a majority of the members present. If it is a tie, it is considered rejected. After taking office, the President took an oath as follows. The state must strive to prevent disasters and protect its people from danger. When this Constitution is promulgated, the members of the National Assembly shall serve until the day before the first National Assembly session under Article 1.