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Re: 여주시 조기폐차 재개 공고

페이지 정보

작성자 안녕하세요
댓글 0건 조회 1,206회 작성일 24-01-15 11:53


> [여주시 재개 공고]
> https://www.yeoju.go.kr/www/jsp/project/gosi/list.jsp
> 여주시 공고 제2020-1254호
> 1. 날짜: 9월14일(월) 재개
> 2. 등기우편,이메일 접수 가능(내방은 자제)
> ※ 우편 및 이메일은 오전 9시 이후 도착 분부터 접수 인정
> 위에 공고 확인해주시기바랍니다.


The Republic of Korea pursues unification and establishes and promotes a policy of peaceful unification based on the basic order of freedom and democracy. The National Assembly is made up of lawmakers elected by the people through ordinary, equal, direct, and secret elections. Soldiers, soldiers, police officials, and other personnel prescribed by law cannot demand compensation from the State or social organization if a public official is damaged by an illegal act committed during combat, training, or other performance of his/her duties. In addition to the compensation provided by law, their obligations. In order to increase the efficiency of agricultural production and rational use of cultivated land, or as a last resort, cultivated land is leased and entrusted in accordance with the law. Women's labor is protected by special protection and is not subject to unfair discrimination in terms of employment, wages, working conditions, etc.

No one can be appointed as prime minister except for a veteran. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President with the consent of the Parliament. Anyone who has been arrested or detained has the right to see a lawyer immediately. However, if the criminal defendant is unable to appoint a lawyer himself, the state shall appoint a lawyer in accordance with the law. The health of all citizens is protected by the state. Parliament can enact rules on deliberation and internal discipline to the extent that they do not violate the law. All citizens enjoy academic and artistic freedom. The National Election Commission is composed of three members appointed by the president, three elected by the National Assembly, and three members appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The chairman is elected from among the members